• Questions to Ask an LGBTQ+ Friendly Therapist

    LGBT Friendly Therapy Near Me

    Studies have found that members of the LGBTQ+ community are more likely to have mental health struggles. A therapist who works strictly with heterosexual patients may struggle to understand the unique problems that LGBTQ+ individuals can face.

    The main objective of LGBTQ+ friendly therapy is to help LGBTQ+ individuals open up. People often open up to individuals they are able to relate to. It’s no wonder that many LGBT therapists are members of the LGBTQ+ community themselves.

    LGBTQ+ individuals with mental struggles should highly consider seeing LGBTQ+ friendly therapists. A friendly therapist avoids bias and has an in-depth understanding of the issues that you may be facing each day. They put their patients at ease by lending an ear and can help them embrace their sexuality and themselves.

    An LGBTQ+ friendly therapist can ensure a strong therapeutic alliance between them and their patients. When there is a strong bond between the therapist and their patients, they feel heard, understood, and appreciated for who they are.

    Before you start seeing a therapist, ask them these questions to gauge their professionalism and expertise.

    What certifications/training do you have?

    Look for a therapist who has completed a program that offers LGBTQ+ cultural competency training on providing effective and respectful care. A certification does not guarantee that treatment will go smoothly, but it indicates that the therapist has knowledge of specific issues such as gender identity and sexual identity conflicts.

    What is your experience treating LGBTQ+ folks?

    Make sure the therapist you are considering has experience treating LGBTQ+ folks with mental health struggles similar to yours. Although a therapist can’t share patient information, they should be able to explain in detail how they serve LGBTQ+ population.

    Ask them how the recovery program has helped other LGBTQ patients in the past. Try to find out how many patients completed therapy. Ask your therapist if they’re willing to make changes to their program to accommodate your specific mental healthcare needs.

    How do you make your patients feel welcome and included?

    LGBTQ-friendly therapists are considerate of their patient’s preferred pronouns to make their patients feel comfortable. Ask your therapist what steps they take to create a welcoming environment for their patients.

    At Cooper Mental Health, we have extensive experience helping people with mental disorders. Our therapists go above and beyond to form a special bond with their patients. To learn more, call (347) 244-7873.

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